Month: October 2018

Critical Child-Custody Questions to Ask Your Divorce Attorney

Divorce cases are tricky in themselves, but the situation can become more convoluted when children are involved. Questions pertaining to their custody run amok in every responsible parent’s mind. Getting accurate child custody information can help the parent be in control of the situation. This information can also help him/her prepare for the case and…

4 Steps for Dividing Property in an Illinois Divorce

In any divorce, the divorcing couple must divide their property. When they own little, this task is simple: they simply need to divide their few items. But in cases where the couple has a substantial net worth or own a business, the process is more complicated. Here are the 4 steps to divide property in…

5 Ways to Strengthen a Marriage and Avoid Divorce

For long, it was believed that about half of the marriages in the U.S. end in divorce. However, this is a long-standing, depressing myth that stemmed from surveys in the late 1970s and the early 1980s after the introduction of no-fault divorce. The data has been blatantly repeated on texts ever since. According to the…

4 Things to Bear in Mind When Negotiating Child Support

Divorce adversely affects all the members in the family. Besides, the divorcing couple has to make several tough decisions like splitting the money and the joint assets. Most of these are one-time decisions that can be made and altered according to the needs of the couple and the children. Child custody and child support payment…