Child Custody Law

St. Charles Custody Laws

Lawyers working to minimize the damage to your family

Children in a divorce need protection

In 2016, the Illinois legislature changed how we resolve child custody matters. We no longer use the expression “child custody” to describe divorce or parentage issues related to children. Now we describe them as “parental responsibility” matters. Instead of determining which parent has legal custody, we instead try to decide how to allocate parenting time between the parents and allocating responsibility for decision making between the parents for issues related to the children’s religious training, education, healthcare, and extracurricular participation. While the labels have changed, the procedures for resolving any disagreements remain governed by the long-standing “best interest of the child” standard of law.

Peskind Law Firm strongly urges our clients to resolve parenting issues by agreement or in mediation rather than by an expensive and painful court proceeding. But if you are forced to go to court, we will be by your side aggressively helping you protect your children’s interests. Our family lawyers possess the legal skills to undertake such difficult cases. Parents throughout Kane County, DuPage County and other counties have trusted us to achieve successful outcomes in disputes involving their children. We help families successfully return to normalcy as soon as possible. 

Parental responsibility cases require careful preparation

If the parents cannot agree on their own or with the help of a mediator, the Judge may do several things. He or she may appoint a guardian ad litem (a specially trained attorney acting as the “eyes and ears” of the court) who represents your child or children during the proceeding. The guardian speaks with teachers, doctors, friends of the family and others if parenting time or decision making are at issue. In addition, sometimes Judges appoint psychologists to conduct evaluations of one or both parents and make recommendations about the best interests of the child. The psychologist meets with you, your spouse and the child or children (depending upon the ages of the children). The psychologist also observes your interactions with your child or children and administers certain psychological tests to determine whether you or your spouse have any personality disorders or mental illness.  Often cases settle with the help of these trained professionals. Sometimes, these steps don’t assist in reaching a resolution and the case proceeds to court. Our team is highly trained and skilled at preparing contested custody or parental responsibility cases for trial where parents cannot reach an agreement.

We are experienced trial lawyers who have knowledge and insight about custody litigation

Parental responsibility (formerly known as custody cases) exact a large toll on families. Resolving issues outside of the courtroom is preferable, but when litigation is necessary, Peskind Law Firm has the experience and determination to secure the best possible outcome for our clients.

For more information, please contact Peskind Law Firm at 630.444.0701 or email

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