Understanding the Complexities of High-Net-Worth Divorce: A Guide to the Unique Challenges in Divorces Involving Significant Assets

The emotional fallout from a breakup makes most divorces difficult. But when significant assets are involved, the process becomes even more complex. High-net-worth divorces require careful steering through numerous rocks, from the division of valuable financial holdings to ensuring the preservation of privacy. For those in these situations, understanding the complexities of the process is…

Cheater Insurance: One Option if Your Spouse has an Affair

Infidelity is not a product of the twenty-first century. It’s been around forever. But what is relatively new are legal options for betrayed spouses. While Illinois has rejected considerations of fault in divorce, through some advance planning, a wayward spouse can potentially be held accountable for his or her extracurricular activities. Many affairs are circumstantial…

Hope for High Conflict Parents

The Illinois Supreme Court has made it easier for co-parents suffering high conflict relationships. With the adoption of Illinois Supreme Court Rule 909, courts can now require parents to use a parenting coordinator to resolve ongoing parenting disagreements. Rule 909 defines “parenting coordination” as “a child-focused alternative dispute resolution process conducted by a licensed mental…

What’s The Difference Between Alimony Vs. Spousal Support In Illinois?

Alimony vs. spousal support—what’s the difference? How can they affect your financial situation after a divorce, and how much support can you expect to pay or receive? In this article, our team at Peskind Law Firm in St. Charles, IL, shares what you need to know to help you through your legal proceedings. What’s the Difference…

Dividing Cryptocurrency in a Divorce

BITCOINS AND DIVORCE: HOW TO FIND, VALUE, AND DIVIDE THEM IN AN ILLINOIS DIVORCE Protect your financial future by understanding how Illinois courts have started dividing cryptocurrency in a divorce setting. Bitcoin first emerged in 2009, but it took several years to capture the public’s imagination. Now that cryptocurrency prices have skyrocketed, opposing parties in…

What to Do if You Are Considering a Divorce

Navigating the intricate labyrinth of emotions and legal intricacies when contemplating a divorce can be an overwhelming and daunting endeavor. In such a pivotal moment, seeking clarity and guidance is essential to make informed decisions that will shape the course of your life. This blog post serves as a compass in those uncharted waters, offering…

How to Effectively Navigate Holidays After a Divorce

The “most wonderful time of year” for recently divorced parents can seem like the most stressful time of year. Navigating a multitude of family changes, complex custody schedules, and confusing emotions, the holiday season can be downright dreaded for some recent divorcees. While navigating this time of year can feel overwhelming, remember that you are…