I am grateful I chose Steven Peskind and The Peskind Law Firm to represent me in my divorce.#1. First Steven Peskind gave me a copy of his book, DIVORCE IN ILLINOIS, The Legal Process, Your Rights, and What to Expect. It was an empowering gift. Steven took succinct, savvy and professional to the highest level. He fought for me with all his might with a dash of humor when it went to the ridiculous.#2. Mollie Peskind was a show of force and always there to get the job done.#3. Jenna Adams was my Divorce Coach, deliverer of good and bad tidings and made sure messages were delivered back and forth in a timely manner. I felt like she held my hand through the whole process.#4. Melissa dealt with the black and white. It was hard to argue when she presented facts and figures.#5. I am happy to recommend The Peskind Law Firm. I am happy my divorce is settled and I can move on with my life on my own terms with freedom and family.